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Nymph, Dream and Emerald Lakes
Educational, Travel, 13-Jul-2022
Roundtrip Length: 3.6 miles Difficulty: Moderate
Start-End Elevation - 9,475' - 9,705' (Nymph): 9,912' (Dream): 10,090' (Emerald)
Emerald Lake is by far one of the most popular hikes in Rocky in any season. Famous for the lily pads of summer, Nymph is the first of three classic lakes. Second is Dream Lake, and is one of the most photographed places in the Park---for good reason. The eventual reward of Emerald Lake set against the watery gorge fed by Tyndall Glacier connecting Hallet's Peak and Flattop Mountain leaves us staring into a mesmerizing portrait of an almost surreal-----but very real alpine story.